
The Australians have some great signs - some are part of government campaigns, like the highly intimidating anti-drink/drive effort (the ACLU would never allow it, and more's the pity), some are simply warning signs with animals on them that you have to look up when you get home, and others simply make you wonder.  I have noticed that despite claims that Americans are highly litigious, Australians tend to have these highly restrictive signs covering every possible eventuality and essentially put you on notice that "We Warned You!"  Others are just highly informative or in some cases, to warn you that there are Third Reich medals in a case and that they have a swastika on them, so don't be offended.

This is part of the anti-drink/driving campaign.  I intend to do a sub-page on this as it's pervasive in print, on TV and radio, on roadsigns, and even on the side of buses.  There's one billboard that peeks out of the trees around a bend on a major highway that has a cop's sunglasses which says "We're Watching You."  The ACLU would have a field day down here.

Where exactly are they ejecting it to and does it go up?

That looks painful.

This one is from a famous pancake
(not American, these are more like crepes)
house at Elephant Pass on the Eastern coast of Tasmania.

The saying you see is a call and response at
sporting events (Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!  Oi Oi Oi!)

This is an echidna, like a porcupine.

I find this to be a typically funny Australian sign.
The graphic is pretty "cold" as well.

I just found the juxtaposition here of these two
wildly disparate species interesting.

I tried to read this all, but the chairlift came and
got me before I could find out what it was I wasn't
supposed to (or supposed to) do.


Northern Territory.
Bottom one is local Aboriginal language
and flag.

Don't do ANYTHING.  Or do what we say.

Thanks for letting me know.  Sometimes PC is taken to great excess down here.
I'm not sure I have ever heard of "illegal and violent" volunteerism.

True!  They have a good start.

 vewwwy quiet...we're gassing wabbits...

And shooting kangawoos...

What the heck is "live shooting?"  I mean doesn't it go without saying..."dead shooting" would be a little extreme, don't you think?

This is in Holbrook, on the way to Melbourne.  They have a decommissioned submarine coming out of the ground (300K from any ocean).  It's a long story.

OK - we get it.  Another typically Australian sign warning you
Great Hotel  (Hotel Urban) - Fitzroy Street - West St. Kilda,
Melbourne (or Melbun).

Nope, we don't have a problem with over-regulation here Down Under...
Sydney Fish Market.